
Director Speech:

Accounting office at Komar University for Science and Technology (KUST) is aim to provide a high quality of Services for its Students, Faculty and Staff members within KUST community and make sure to offer a wide range of financial service according to International accounting and financial reporting standard.

Integrity and objectivity are rules that we are applying as Accounting office team and we are building confidence between our community personal to create a confident environment full of energy and liberality

In order to achieve our goals:

  1. We are providing a high quality of Service.
  2. We are using the best accounting practice.
  3. We are using International accounting software developed by an American company.
  4. I am implementing open door policy to receive our Students Faculty and Staff members, in order to meet their needs.

Please Feel free to contact me through

Nawzad Hamasaeed Tofiq

Director of Accounting office

Our Mission

  • Provide a highly quality of Service for KUST Community
  • Provide financial Statement as per International standard
  • Provide support to Students in term of financial aid and Payment facility and options


We aim to provide a modern support for our Students,facility and Staff using the best available Technology


    • Providing Financial service for KUST Students
    • Providing Financial service for KUST Staff and faculty
    • Preparing Annual Budget and forecast
    • Preparing Financial Statement
    • Developing and Implementing Financial Policy and Regulation
    • Recording daily Financial Business activity using professional Accosting system
    • Performing monthly reconciliation
    • liaison with President office, VPFA and others



Contact Information:
Cellphone: +964 (0) 7501729300
Internal extension phone number: 132
Accounting office location:
Office 102, 1st Floor, Business Building, KUST Campus
Working Hours:
Sunday through Thursday 08:00 – 15:00, except official holidays.